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Authorship verification, combining linguistic features and different similarity functions

Authorship analysis is an important task for different text applications, for example in the field of digital forensic text analysis. Hence, we propose an authorship analysis method that compares the average similarity of a text of unknown authorship with all the texts of an author.

Una Aproximación a la Recomendación de artículos científicos según su grado de especificidad

En este artículo se presenta un método para recomendar artículos científicos teniendo en cuenta su grado de generalidad o especificidad. Este enfoque se basa en la idea de que personas menos expertas en un tema preferirán leer artículos más generales para introducirse en el mismo, mientras que personas más expertas preferirán artículos más específicos. Frente a otras técnicas de recomendación que se centran en el análisis de perfiles de usuario, nuestra propuesta se basa puramente en el análisis del contenido.

Pattern Construction for Extracting Domain Terminology

The extraction of domain terminology is a task that is increasingly used for different application processes of natural language such asthe information recovery, the creation of specialized corpus, question-answering systems, the creation of ontologies and the automatic classification of documents. This task of theextraction of domain terminology is generally performed by generating patterns.

Authorship Verification, Average Similarity Analysis

Authorship analysis is an important task for different text applications, for example in the field of digital forensic text analysis. Hence, we propose an authorship analysis method that compares the average similarity of a text of unknown authorship with all the text of an author. Using this idea, a text that was not written by an author, would not exceed the average of similarity with known texts and only the text of unknown authorship would be considered as written by the author, if it exceeds the average of similarity obtained between texts written by him.

A fully unsupervised Topic Modeling approach to metaphor identification

This paper presents a new unsupervised approach to metaphor identification based on LDA topic modeling. Assuming a correlation between topic models and conceptual domains, the topics of each word are used to identify the semantic inconsistency between a word and its context. The system proposed is fully unsupervised, since it does not require any lexical resource nor manually annotated corpus. Some experiments with different topic granularities are used in order to define the best set of topics.

GPLSIUA: Combining Temporal Information and Topic Modeling for Cross-Document Event Ordering

Building unified timelines from a collection of written news articles requires cross-document event coreference resolution and temporal relation extraction. In this paper we present an approach event coreference resolution according to: a) similar temporal information, and b) similar semantic arguments. Temporal information is detected using an automatic temporal information system (TIPSem), while semantic information is represented by means of LDA Topic Modeling.

Social Rankings: análisis visual de sentimientos en redes sociales

Social Rankings es una aplicación web que realiza un seguimiento en tiempo real de entidades en las redes sociales.


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