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Estudio de fiabilidad y viabilidad de la Web 2.0 y la Web Semántica para enriquecer lexicones en el dominio farmacológico

Nowadays Named Entity Recognition systems in the pharmacological domain, which are needed to help healthcare professional during pharmacological treatment prescription, suffer limitations related to the lack of coverage in official databases. Therefore, it seems necessary to analyse the reliability of existing resources, both in the Semantic Web and Web 2.0, and determine whether it is feasible or not to use these resources for additional information to generate and/or enhance lexicons used by Named Entity Recognition systems. For this reason, this paper analyses the main sources of information related to the pharmacological domain available on the Internet. This analysis leads to the conclusion that there is reliable information and it would enhance existing lexicons with synonyms, variations and even historical information not collected or maintained in official databases.
Moreno, Isabel
Moreda, Paloma
Roma–Ferri, Maite
Tipo de publicación: 
Artículo de revista
Nombre de la revista: 
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural
Revisión por pares: 
Año de publicación: 
2 015

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