5th Workshop "RST and Discourse Studies"

"RST and discourse studies" workshop gathers researchers, professors and students of Linguistics, Computational Linguistics or Information Science who work with Rhetorical Structure Theory (MANN and THOMPSON, 1988) or similar theories and models. The goal is to enable the showing of researches carried out in different institutions and research groups in different countries.

The 5th edition of the workshop will be held on September 14th, 2015, as a satellite meeting of the 31st edition of the Annual Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN), in Alicante, Spain.

Until now, all the workshops were celebrated in Brasil. The 1st edition of the workshop was held at 16th Intercâmbio de Pesquisas em Linguística Aplicada (InPLA), in 2007, at PUC-SP. The second edition, in 2009, was named "Brazilian RST Meeting" within STIL in São Carlos. The 3rd workshop "RST and Discourse Studies" was held within STIL (2011) in Cuiabá. The 4th workshop "RST and Discourse Studies" was also held within STIL (2013) in Fortaleza.

We intend to have the workshop taking place in Europe in 2015 in order to foment the participation of researchers that investigate structural and discourse phenomena in more languages than Brazilian Portuguese only. In the 5th edition of the workshop talks will be accepted in five languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Basque.


Mikel Iruskieta

Group IXA. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)

Bilboko Irakasleen U.E.
Sarriena auzoa Z/G.
Leioa. Bizkaia.
+34 946017569


Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza

Group IXA. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)

Bilboko Irakasleen U.E.
Sarriena auzoa Z/G.
Leioa. Bizkaia.

Juliano Desiderato Antonio

Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Avenida Colombo, 5790
Jardim Universitário, Maringá
PR, 87020-900, Brazil

Paula Figueira Cardoso

Universidade de São Paulo

