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Sergio Luján Mora

Catedrático de Universidad

13th Workshop for Phd Students in Object Oriented Programming: Summary and Accepted Papers

Pedro J. Clemente, Miguel A. Pérez, Sergio Luján-Mora, Hans Reiser
ECOOP / Workshop 06 13th Workshop for PhD Students in Object-Oriented Systems. Friedrich-Alexander-University Technical Report TR-I4-03-03, October 2003.
(PhDOOS'2003a) Congreso internacional / International conference


The objective of the 13th edition of Ph Doctoral Students in Object-Oriented Systems workshop (PHDOOS) was to offer an opportunity for PhD students to meet and share their research experiences, and to discover commonalities in research and student ship. In this way, the participants may receive insightful comment about their research, learn about related work and initiate future research collaborations. So, PHDOOS is a gauge to detect hot spots in current lines of research and new avenues of work in objects-oriented concepts.
